About sawmill

Pilana Katalinić in Gerovo increased its sawmill capacity and can annually saw up to 30,000 m3 logs. Fir sawn timber is sold on the domestic market, while beech is exported to Italy, China, Egypt, Spain and others. In its production plant, it has new sawmills, a dryer for drying lumber, wood chipping machine, and a strong vehicle fleet for the delivery of logs and the delivery of sawn timber to customers in Croatia and outside the borders of Croatia.

The quality of production, the attitude towards customers, and the deadlines for the delivery of materials are recognized by customers on the domestic and foreign markets. Today, the company has no difficulties in selling its products even in times of unstable conditions and crises, because responsible family management of processes overcomes crises.

The range of sawn timber products meets the requirements of the market, and the investments, especially in the dryer plant, are a guarantee and basis that the company can carry out a higher degree of final processing of wood, although it advocates that the final production and products are carried out by companies with a long tradition and qualified workers.

Together with its sister company "Pilana Krasno", it completes the capacities of wood processing and export, and together with strong business and family connections and ownership, they represent respectable companies in the Croatian economy.

Sister company sawmill Krasno d.o.o. today it is developing with strong dynamics, and from the position of primary wood processing, it is increasingly taking the position of finalist. Its production program is dominated by the production of decking boards, laminated beams and panels, the first exhibition examples of wooden houses and other products of a higher level of final processing. Following the interests of the market and the requirements of the environment, Pogon Elements Sveti Juraj changes the direction of production and works on the program of tourism, dry marina and in the perspective of other tourist facilities.


  • Fir sawn timber
  • Beds
  • Slats
  • Board
  • Beams for roofing
  • Dry carpentry
  • Warehouse of sawn timber in Zagreb

Products gallery