EU fonds

"COVID 19 loan for working capital" co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund as part of Operational program "Competitiveness and cohesion 2014-2020."

Implementation of the project "Increasing the competitiveness of Protektor - Bandag - Katalinic d.o.o. increasing production capacities and diversification of production".

Company Protektor - Bandag - Katalinić d.o.o. started the implementation of the project on October 21, 2016 "Increasing the competitiveness of Protektor - Bandag - Katalinić d.o.o. by increasing production capacity and diversification of production". The project is co-financed with funds from the European Fund for Regional Development in as part of the Operational Program Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014-2020.

By implementing the project Protektor - Bandag - Katalinić d.o.o. will equip the production facility with new machines - a plant for cutting and sawing timber and a plant for the production of wooden elements. The investment in question will increase the annual production capacity of sawn timber and make it possible introduction of a new product in the Company's assortment - wooden elements. These changes will ultimately lead to to increasing the efficiency of operations and the organization of work flow, as well as increasing sales revenue i of export and the number of employees.

The new jobs foreseen as part of the project are suitable for the work of women and men, as well as for the work of persons with with disabilities.

The total value of the project is HRK 2,982,269.38, whereby the amount of HRK 875,835.00 refers to the non-refundable support, while the remaining HRK 2,106,434.38 is the investor's own participation.

Total value of the project: HRK 2,982,269.38
Grants: HRK 875,835.00
Time of implementation: October 21, 2016 - September 21, 2017
General goal: Contribute to the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and the creation of new jobs places in wood - processing industry in the Republic of Croatia by investing in equipment for wood production facilities products
Specific goal: Increasing the competitiveness and technological readiness of the company Protektor - Bandag - Katalinić d.o.o. 1) by expanding production capacity and 2) by diversifying production by introducing new products from the assortment of wood products
Results of the project: Installed plant for improvement of shortening and profiling structure; Installed a plant for the production of wooden elements; Company employees are trained to work on new plants

Contact person: Romina Katalinić
Phone: +385 51 823 109

The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Fund for Regional Development

More information on: - competitiveness and cohesion - contests


Procurement of production facilities
Group 1. Plant for trimming and sawing of wood
Group 2. Plant for the production of wooden elements

1. Procurement registration number: 01/2016
2. Tender type/procedure: public tender with publication of the Procurement Notice
3. NOJN (non-obligatory public procurement): PROTEKTOR - BANDAG - KATALINIĆ d.o.o. Snježnička 34, 51304 Gerovo

Contact info:
T. +385 51 823 109
F. +385 51 508 112

4. Information on the subject of procurement: Procurement of production facilities as part of the project "Increase competitiveness of Protektor - Bandag - Katalinić d.o.o. by increasing production capacities and by diversification of production" which was applied for financing as part of the Open Call Competence i development of SMEs, by the European Fund for Regional Development. The subject of procurement is divided into 2 groups: Group 1. Plant for trimming and sawing of wood; Group 2. Plant for the production of wooden elements.
5. Deadline for the delivery of offers: The offer, regardless of the delivery method, must be received by the customer, and no later than 14.11.2016. to 15:00 sati. Offers received after the specified deadline will not be considered.
6. The tender documentation is in the attached compressed folder, published on the website


Tender documentation
Technical specifications Plant for cutting and sawing wood
Technical specifications Plant for the production of wooden elements
Cost sheet 1. GROUP
Cost sheet 2. GROUP